
Future Networks: 5G and beyond 

March 11-13, 2020
Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau

Future Networks: 5G and beyond

The URSI-France 2020 workshop, organized under the auspices of the French Academy of Sciences, will focus on "Future Networks: 5G and beyond". The workshop will be held on the campus of Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, in Palaiseau (France), from March 11 to March 13, 2020.

Given the commercial launch of the Fifth Generation of Mobile Radio Networks (5G) in 2020, URSI-France dedicates its annual workshop to such networks and to their future developments, as they are called to transform society in-depth through very innovative uses. With 5G, wireless networks will have been designed for the first time from the outset, with the aim to make possible person-person, person-machine and machine—to-machine communications, giving access to a multitude of services relying on data. The 5G-specific technological developments, the use of millimeter waves, the foreseeable developments that will require extending 5G with a follow-up generation, will continue to stimulate important efforts and new lines of research for both academia and industry. However, as each new generation introduces more complexity and service enrichment, it also raises concerns and fears stemming from the increased number of electromagnetic emission sources, the associated exposure and the energy consumption. It is therefore important to address these various issues in an altogether unbiased vision, at the core of the scientific approach.

In this context, the workshop will be organized around oral sessions and posters. Most sessions will be introduced by invited speakers, presenting the state of the art and / or recent developments, followed by papers that have been selected by the Scientific Committee.

Confirmation (March 9, 18:00): the workshop will take place as planned

Main topics

Antenna design and measurements

  • New techniques related to antenna design and measurements in a wide spectrum of frequencies
  • Complex and active antennas (Massive-MIMO, reconfigurable surfaces...)
  • New approaches for antenna modeling and measurements (reverse engineering, statistics, optimization, measurement-simulation hybridization)

Propagation and physical layer

  • Propagation channel modeling joint coding, spatial modulations, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access…
  • Dynamic frequency management, Spectrum utilization beyond 100 GHz
  • Physical layer contributions to the security and privacy of communications
  • Geolocation, Positioning techniques and location-based precoding algorithms
  • « Over The Air » measurements

New approaches for the design, dimensioning, optimization and management of wireless networks

  • Resource allocation (allocation strategy, optimization...)
  • Propagation of uncertainties, surrogate models
  • Artificial Intelligence and Learning Methods (Blind channel estimation, Map of exposure, dimension reduction , ...)
  • Optimized strategy (multi objectives,..)


  • Li-Fi
  • Architectures of optical access networks
  • Photonic components & optical-RF interfaces

Electromagnetic environment, exposure assessment and energy efficiency

  • Electromagnetic compatibility of systems, signal integrity, interferences
  • Characterization of electromagnetic protections (materials, systems)
  • Characterization of EMF exposure (compliance, actual exposure, uncertainty management...)
  • Green communications, energy harvesting
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